Global to Specific (G2S) Coaching Programs

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This one-on-one, proven, results-focused Global to Specific (G2S) Coaching Program is designed for leaders, senior executives and practice professionals to power up their team leadership, executive presence, influencing skills, presenting and speaking skills, strategy, productivity and managing role change.
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The Expert to Influential Leader Coaching Program helps technical or subject matter managers step into a more senior leadership role or excel in their current one.
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Are you a practice professional, consultant, financial or technical expert, SMB Owner or start up entrepreneur who wants to develop the latest skills in winning and retaining clients and customers in today's world? Then work with the best sales coach and mentor in the business, future proof your career and business and become competent and confident at winning and retaining profitable clients and customers.
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Have you an important presentation, conference speech or pitch coming up?

Then take our unique one-day intensive program focused on empowering your company message

Helps revenue or expert leaders develop professional-level conference speaking or presentation skills to influence board, investor, staff or client audiences.
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Present with greater confidence and skill and deliver compelling and winning business, investor or sales pitches or conference keynote presentations.

With PresenterEQ win more clients or investment, build a quality reputation or build a powerful executive presence or market brand.
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This tailored program for start-up founders, entrepreneurs and their teams provides an accountable and measured approach to leadership and sales mastery: to manage rapid change, grow sales and team productivity so that the business serves you and your life ambitions.
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