The High Trust Advisor Sales Influence Program
Powered by Sean Weafer

Maximise Your Activity, Clients and Fees.

The New Dynamics of Selling in the post-Covid and new Hybrid Age are:

1. Attention is the New Currency
2. Emotion (not Logic) Captures Attention
3. Level of Trust = Level of Attention
4. Share of Attention = Share of Wallet

This unique program is designed and delivered by Sean Weafer, internationally experienced leadership and sales enablement professional, conference speaker and author of the book of the same name, to make those dynamics work for you.
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The High Trust Advisor: Course Modules

Modules can be booked as a single workshop or tailored to create a unique, bespoke program for your team.
Module 1
Mindset, Motivation and Sales Messaging Course
Business development can be a challenge for many of us, even those of who are seasoned professionals.

There’s a good reason for that too because when developing business or selling, even the most seasoned professionals face rejection and challenge every day. 

However, sales drive business and without the new mind-set, the motivation and the skills of a professional and highly trusted advisor in the new digital world, we run the risk of losing access to and our influence with our market. 

In this module Sean Weafer helps reset your attitude to selling and to growing business, seeing it for the value that it is and then share with you some practical tools on how to become a highly trusted advisor to your clients, without you ever being seen as ‘pushy’ or ‘salesy’, helping you to engage more high value clients to win and retain more business.

More importantly, he will show how to replace traditional USPs with a new and more powerful way of creating your sales messages to engage the attention of prospects and clients.
  • Explore the key principles of selling in the Hybrid Age
  • Develop the mindset of a Highly Trusted Advisor and partner to your prospects and clients and understand the difference between a traditional salesperson and a Highly Trusted Advisor
  • Understand how to create the motivation and energy to consistently win in sales and business development
  • Discover the secret of sales influence
  • The 4 Principles of sales value
  • Conscious v Subconscious Messaging
  • Learn how to create compelling sales messages for every client that quickly engages their attention and demonstrates your value to them immediately. Ditch your USP’s (Unique Selling Points) to create PCR’s (Points of Compelling Relevance).
Module 2
Networking to Build Business and Sales – Live and Online
Networking is a critical skill for any professional sales executive, account manager  or business advisor. Being able to attend dinners, conferences (and now digital and online events and conferences) and connect confidently with potential prospects and clients in an easy, confident and engaging style, is necessary for any business professional or sales executive who wants to build a strong and valued stream of clients. 

Networking is a strategy, not a hope and anyone can learn it. For a modern professional, it is a fundamental skill to get access to and build new relationships.
  • Understand the power of personal contact and digital networking, what networking actually is and what it isn’t
  • Explore the power of the ‘niche’ and how to identify and get access to high value and influential prospects or clients through networking
  • How to define and choose the ideal networking events
  • Explore the power of digital networking in today’s marketplace and businesses
  • How to use LinkedIn as an online networking tool and how to develop your digital networking presence
  • How to prepare for a networking event and create your networking objective
  • Lose the fear of networking forever
  • Learn how to successfully introduce yourself to people in breakout rooms or at live events
  • Capture and hold a contact’s attention with excellent conversational skills
  • Create a structured networking conversation
  • Learn how to successfully probe for value or opportunity
  • Exit elegantly from an in-person meeting
  • How to follow-up successfully
  • Get a minimum of 3 ‘warm’ prospect meetings from every event
Module 3
Connecting in Colour’: How to Recognise, Work and Build High Trust with Different Client Personalities
How valuable would it be if you were able to instantly recognise a prospect, client or colleague’s personality type and how they prefer to connect and communicate with people and then be able to influence them accordingly? 

Learn how to deliberately create a successful and profitable communications strategy with other people to build business and sales success.
  • Discover how a 2,500-year-old model can grow your trust with business contacts while maximising your influence on key clients
  • Understand the meaning of rapport and trust and how to minimize ‘perceived threat’ for prospects and clients
  • Learn how to quickly and successfully recognise a prospect, client or colleague’s unique personality preference to minimise conflict and grow performance
  • Discover how to successfully adapt and flex your communication style to meet others unique style to create powerful rapport and results
  • Explore how different personality types process your information and how to adapt it to meet their needs
  • Learn how best to influence prospects, clients or colleagues to win more business based on personality preferences
Module 4
Advanced Questioning, Objection Handling and Deal Closing Skills Course
A highly trusted advisor knows that questions and suggestions are the keys to successful influence. Questions allow us to comfortably control and influence each and every qualification and sales meeting and presentation.

They engage the prospect, client or colleague in a shared experience of solving their problem. 

In this module we learn how to consciously use the power of questions, suggestions and language to easily connect, influence and engage prospects and clients to grow our (and their) success especially in the digital world.
  • Learn why the person who asks the questions controls the meeting outcomes
  • Discover the power of ‘forced teaming’ and ‘soft language’
  • Explore 6 key psychological questions and their effect on a person’s perception of you
  • Understand the key principles of active listening and how to demonstrate it
  • Values-based conversations: learn how people make decisions and how you can successfully influence their decisions
  • Understand how to overcome any and all objections or resistance to your proposal and ideas
  • What to do when someone says ‘No’
  • Learn how to close business or influence outcomes easily and ethically and increase your ‘close’ ratios
Module 5
How to Deliver Successful and Winning Pitches or Presentations
The ability to speak in public, be it to an individual or a small but critical group sales presentation or delivering a larger conference or presentation, is a highly sought-after skill in client advisors and business professionals.  

Whether live or online, to be able to craft a compelling speech or sales pitch, deliver it confidently and influence the audience, enhances your ability to be powerfully convincing with others and grow your personal standing and sales. Learn how to excel at it both live and digitally, on this course.  
  • Learn the key psychological secrets that attract an audience’s attention
  • Discover how to structure and deliver a high-impact presentation
  • Become a confident and master speaker with any audience, small or large
  • Learn to use humour and story to compel your audience to engage
  • Discover how to manage audience questions and challenging participants
  • The WHW Structure
  • Learn why simplicity should rule slide decks
  • How to open and close presentations and speeches with impact
  • How to avoid ‘Zoom’ fatigue and present successfully when online
Module 6
How to Set a High-Performance Sales Goal
Being able to identify, articulate and set high performance goals is a guaranteed means of driving sales productivity. Lock of focus is the biggest enemy of success. 

Excellent personal clarity, focus and powerful motivation are critical elements in driving a professional’s performance and impact positively on how they manage their time.

In this module, Sean Weafer takes you through how to understand and apply the mechanics of high-performance goal setting psychology and structure to get the most out of your sales efforts.
  • How focus and meaning drive productivity - the ‘6 C Model of Performance’
  • The key questions to ask to identify critical challenges
  • How to correctly define a performance goal
  • How to identify the key steps for change
  • How to stay on track for success
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What the Program Delivers:

Here's just some of the skills and abilities delegates can expect to develop to help maximise clients and fees.
Skills and abilities
Build the sales confidence and positive mindset and motivation to manage your emotional state and that of your client and learn to create powerful and influential sales messages that get people’s attention (Mindset, Motivation and Messaging Module)
Quickly identify and build trust with different prospect and client personalities and develop successful communications strategies (Connecting in Colour Module)
Improve client engagement, meeting management, successfully overcome objections and improve deal closing skills (Advanced Questioning and Influencing Skills Module).
Quickly and effortlessly connect with new business contacts through professional networking live and online (Networking to Build Business and Brand Module)
Create and deliver compelling and successful sales presentations and pitches to live and digital audiences (The Psychology of Winning Presentations Skills Live and Online Module)
Learn the psychology of high performance goal setting. Understand how to set goals to boost motivation and sales success and learn to align your thoughts and emotions with consistent
sales success.

Companies that gained an edge from sales training with Sean Weafer.

Here's what our clients are saying:

Richard Cowman

Imagine a two day event that could energise, and educate your team delivering instant ROI because that is what Sean's High Trusted Advisor programme has done for my team. We have come away with specific actions in time management, motivation, and sales messaging. We have defined some compelling PCR's that have already had results and we expect them to consistently deliver going forward. I highly recommend this course to any sales manager.

Driving sales team success through leadership, and customer success through supply chain enhancement
David Russell

Have recently completed Sean's SellingEQ: "High Trust Advisor" training and can unreservedly recommend every aspect. Sean is a fantastic communicator and presenter, with many years' practical experience under his belt. The course itself was packed with invaluable ideas, insights and suggestions, which have the potential to transform anyone's approach and outlook towards working with clients in a professional services environment. In addition the access post-course to audio and ebook material puts him in a different league of instructor. Thank you Sean!

Principal at BearingPoint Capital
Richard Knight

Sean really made me think differently the last two days. His command and use of the English language is unique and exceptional. He delivers just not a presentation but a very interactive, collaborative training session. It was a real eye opener. In fact it’s not training but a complete reprogramming of the obvious. His delivery had me smiling from ear to ear, whilst getting me to deeply think about everything I’ve leaned over the last 30 years in sales and logistics. Now I just need practice! The last two days will change my attitude and approach to everything I do in business. Thank you Sean!

Driving Sales Team Success - Freight Forwarding
Paul Murnaghan

Sean delivered his SellingEQ High Trusted Advisors programme to our team last year and I asked him to spend an hour with my team who are working on a major deal. In just under an hour he helped us scope and develop our messaging to be both specific and relevant to the client - turning BT strengths into Points of Compelling Relevance for the customer. He has a great methodology and a passion to help drive it home.

Chair, BT (NI) Board

The High Trust Advisor program is based on my book ‘The Highly Trusted Advisor: How to Lead Teams and Win Clients in the Hybrid Age'.

Each program is supported by a copy of the book, eWorkbooks and digital audio master classes.

Frequestly Asked

What Does the High Trust Advisor Program Offer My Team:

1. Techniques to improve the positive mindset and motivation of you, your team and your clients. 

2. A process to build powerful, attention-grabbing sales messages that impact on prospects and clients and help your offer stand out from your competitors. 

3. Networking skills that can provide each executive with the motivation, confidence and ability to create a minimum of 32 new warm prospects every year without a single cold call. 

4. The ability to recognise, adapt to and work with different kind of client personalities increasing their empathy, trust, influence and impact with key decision makers.

5. Advanced questioning and influencing skills to manage every meeting, handle any objection and really understand how prospects make decisions and use that to increase the number of sales closes. 

6. The psychology of effective sales presentations and pitches, how to make their presentations shorter yet more impactful and how to win the approval of their sales audiences in the post-Covid era. 

7. The skills of effective time management, freeing up more time for effective selling.

How Does the Program Do This?

How Does the Program Do This?

Firstly, the program can be delivered in-house or online, tailored to your specific needs. Simply choose the modules most appropriate to your team’s development at this time. 

Secondly, the program consists of 3 parts: 

Stage 1: Build the motivation, confidence and the messaging to get the attention of the prospect, client or customer.

Get access through in-person networking to the key decision makers with these powerful new messages. 

Stage 2: Build high levels of trust quickly and then influence the prospect, client or customer with advanced questioning, objection handling and influencing skills to grab and hold their attention.

Share of Quality Attention = Share of Wallet. 

Stage 3: Create and deliver impactful sales pitches geared toward the modern post-pandemic audience where time and attention are at a premium.

Then learn the techniques of staying in control of your productive selling time to maximise success. 

This is not about the structure of selling but the soul of selling. 

The program is supported by relevant books and eBooks and where appropriate audio recordings and workbooks, so the material can be revisited many times after the initial program has completed.

Why Should I Take OR Offer the High Trust Advisor Program to My Team:

This internationally proven program is full of practical, easy to apply, techniques to help practice professionals, sales, business development teams and KAM teams build more empathy, trust and influence to maximise clients and fees.

Delivered successfully to firms as diverse as professional services, logistics, technology and telecoms, start-ups, financial, banking and insurance it is full of tips and techniques to get access to and build successful and profitable relationships with new prospects, clients and customers, retain existing business and increase the number of closed deals for your offering. 

Created by Sean Weafer, a master of leadership and sales language, communications and influence, who has presented to global audiences and has three decades of experience in the ever changing field of sales. 

Become a SellingEQ: high trust advisor

Get Started on Maximising Your Clients and Fees Today.

Book the High Trust Advisor Sales Influence program now get the proven tools to win and retain more high-margin, long-term business, by developing greater empathy, trust, influence and impact with prospects and clients.